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Ok! Let's talk about some of those sweet-ass ghosts! But first, we've got to ask a quick question, that question being: "What is a ghost?" Well, many people would define them as "roaming vapours". but that doesn't make much sense, does it? really all it's saying is that "gases but will moving around". While, Yes. It is true that ghosts are mainly empty space, that that shouldn't define them, should it?... let's ask again, but this time with a different tone. "What is a ghost?" Well, I'm glad you asked. A ghost is a clump of thoughts and ideas and emotions all lumped into a being. These thoughts are usually only from one corpse, as it leaks out of the body. But sometimes, ideas could get swapped around, mixed up, and even completely lost! And after a small part of someone is lost to the world, it's impossible to get it back, with time it may R.I.P., but most of the time they just dissolve into "vibes". Vibes you can find at your local... wherever. But even if you avoided that problem, you're still a ghost, and ghosts are very possessive. And very one-track minded. This is because without a body, it can't exist without liquefying. So, the ghosts will naturally "stick" to most objects near it. This can usually only happen with objects of importance, but it is possible for the ghost to possess things that they've never even seen before! Isn't that cool? The main thing stopping that from being cool is... Well, most ghosts don't even know they're dead (Which is quite sad once you think about it). Most of them will R.I.P. before they find out they aren't really alive. But a lot of them will probably end up paranoid and scared. Most unawakened ghosts can only repeat the actions they know they need to, sure some of them might wake up on their own, but that isn't very common. I wouldn't say it's rare though. It's just very difficult. The best way to describe it would be... Imagine a long stick of butter that's melting over a very cold fire, you are stuck on it and need to get out, but your legs are frozen in it. Make sure your wings aren't buttery and make sure the floors thick enough to stand on, but not wet enough so that you get pulled in. That's the best way I could describe it. A shorter way to say it would be "not very fun" and a longer way to say that would be "really just not fun at all". And that's all just the ghost version of waking up! can you imagine how hard brushing your teeth would be? eating breakfast? GOING BACK TO SLEEP!? no, actually. You cant. Because when a ghost wakes up, they dont have to repeat a persons brain anymore. And that can lead to some weird stuff happening. One of those weird things being an expanded level of comprehension, but you won't just suddenly realise a bunch of stuff, that's silly. But I have to clarify this again, most ghosts are focused on their tasks and nothing else. Trying to pull them from their tasks is getting rid of their chance to R.I.P. forever. And you probably wouldn't want to do that. But for all I know, you could be helping them. It's hard to say with something like this. Because, ghosts aren't something many people interact with on a daily basis.

-further reading-
How to haunt

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