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You might like this site, but you might also be a little bit confused. But don't worry, this area of the site is here to help you with that. It has come to my knowledge people dont actually like being confused. which is sad yes, but I can't blame them. after all, people always want to know things. And I want to know things with them, that's why I made this site. So, how do I do that? I talk to people! but I have no one to talk to right now, so I just ramble on and on and on and on here. it's nice, but it takes a while. so I'll edit what I've made many, many times.

After creating a few fake websites in MSPaint, I thought "Why stop here?" and wanted to turn one of the fake websites into a real one. HUMANSOULS Was the original name of the BMP image file, but I didn't like that. So I came up with ghostsite and tried my very best to run with it. It wasn't the best, and I knew it. I only kind of knew about HTML, and the little I did know about couldn't really be used for something like this. I decided to give up, and work on a different site that I was more passionate about. The name of that site being ohokok.neocities.org.

© ohokok